Inspired: Art at Work

Action for prosperity, protection, and perseverance

INSPIRED: Art at Work brought 2 visiting artists and 3 local artists to socially engaged projects in summer 2018. Working closely with scientists, and policy-makers, and five local partner organizations, Citizens for a Healthy Community, Western Slope Conservation Center, Farm and Food Alliance, Solar Energy International, and North Fork Valley Creative Coalition, artists created socially-engaged works that explored and addressed selected environmental, cultural, social, and economic issues vital to preserving the natural world and the quality of life and sense of place in the North Fork Valley. These collaborations and a final symposium was designed to broadly engage community dialog on concerns vital to the future of this rural area.

Artists and community members defined several topics to explore, including increased aridity, water concerns, the health of the watershed, plastics pollution, and shared perspectives on increasing economic prosperity in the valley, post-coal. The project was designed to promote dialog among the diverse elements of our community. Throughout the two months, local citizens have had multiple opportunities to participate in the project. The artists worked to help us tell our stories, bridging artistic disciplines and activism. The artworks are the catalysts for significant exchange of ideas, values, and future dreams. Working together to create a work of art is a community-building endeavor, like placing bricks side-by-side to create a walkway all can walk upon. In the artistic process of making or performing—barriers often disintegrate and friends are made while working together

Community collaborations create vibrant, safe, multigenerational connecting points. This street mural is an example of work via Village Building Convergence, Paonia, CO.

Community collaborations create vibrant, safe, multigenerational connecting points. This street mural is an example of work via Village Building Convergence, Paonia, CO.

This initiative responds to the growing desire of artists and arts organizations to use their creativity and talents to make a difference in their community. At the same time those engaged in issues like education, poverty, public safety and health increasingly are looking to the arts as a partner in their work. We embrace this opportunity to support this work in our community.
— Gary Steuer of the Bonfils-Stanton Foundation