Winter in Paonia - Henrik Haaland

Elsewhere House web log:  well I have been putting off/avoiding - writing something under the blog title for some time-well-since last January and it's not that I don't have a slew of examples as to what an Elsewhere "blog" may appear like - in effect an anything goes paragraph or two or three well composed paragraphs and accompanying photos of storied green house and local scenic setting Paonia-would do justice. As divergent in styles and mirroring personalities I recognize each author of the last three or is it four months. -As the current reigning veteran I am in the sans Frau position of remembering the dynamics of the winter session residents and with the force of personalities that each possessed  I feel compelled -despite president -to recall the first month evolving scene-- on people and not so much work.
 I was slow in joining the upstairs tribe of raucous laughter that would drift down into the Hobbit arched basement apartment with accompanying new installed Shauna -okay ..laughter -..raucous laughter indeed -I would be reading the pre sleep hours away and then from above a chorus of howls would gain momentum-a pause - a slur of vowels in lower case and then decidedly  uppercase - a howl. There was a rhythm to the sound box ceiling muffled instrument that I don't have the talent to translate phonically- but regardless I would catch the rhythm--and then wait for the beat -still waiting -finger touching last read book line -in pause position - waiting for the kick back exclamation-!!!----waiting--- " don't stop now" l-wait -wait -(them)-"HAaaAHAhhhee-ahh!!!--"-(me) "ah there it is"  -I could then resume reading some serious biography of Woodrow Wilson or Nine men in a Boat until another bolt of laughter and me -pausing - straining unattainable powers to reconstruct the filtered voices  for a translation clue - but for naught - giving up I would answer -" American Youth" but then realize - Roya -  a painter and late night or is it early morning owl / and In her downstairs social hours on a quest for the perfect cocktail -which she came to perfect was from - Iran. -The rest -American and youthful - but in their thirties -Carrie-a writer- was the -in the moment social director guide -a wit -inclusively disarmingly critical yet full of fun - a western slope nomad roaming the Tuscan -Jackson hole corridor territory -Macon- music man and man about town- looking for a break from years of band touring from Denver -Natalie disciplined studio painter extraordinaire Ct. by way of Oakland -
-well this form(blogging)is a learning curve enterprise and I'm splintering away for now- need to get back to work - fortunately the blog allows for this come and go allowance-love the form.
 -My next attempt at blogging  I will address my foray to the upstairs world re-con cause for merriment -and a traceable cause-  1and2)-Bloody Mary-ville 3)-what artistic aims -I thought the residency would serve and 4) true or falsehoods of- as master of the Elsewhere House domain -the siesta king -Tomato. -signing off -HH