Sawyer Crane, AES

Sawyer Crane, Art Environment and Sustainability

Embarking on an artist residency at Elsewhere in Paonia became a transformative journey immersed in nature's embrace. Surrounded by vibrant flowers and enveloped in tranquility, this sanctuary nurtured my creative spirit. Through the exploration of watercolor painting, creative writing, and the creation of a "creative challenge" field guide, my time at Elsewhere ignited inspiration and sparked artistic growth. Each day, I found myself drawn to the intricate details of the flowers, becoming my muse for artistic expression. Inspired by their delicate petals and vibrant hues, I embraced the medium of watercolor painting to express my love and appreciation for the plants. Creating my Creative Challenge Field Guide, “How To Be a Wildflower” was effortless here, because the valley creates the perfect setting for being inspired by nature, and the elements.  I was also inspired by my colleges from Western Colorado University and their affinity for both plant identification and place-based art. My artist residency at Elsewhere in Paonia was a transformative experience. The enchanting flowers, the therapeutic act of watercolor painting, the intimate connection with the written word, and the As I bid farewell, I carry with me the blossoming memories and renewed artistic vigor, eagerly anticipating the next chapter of my creative journey.

In nature's embrace, I embarked on a transformative quest,

An artist residency in Paonia, Elsewhere at its best.

Surrounded by vibrant flowers, nature's sweet refrain,

Tranquility enveloped me, nurturing my creative domain.

Watercolor painting, a dance of hues and light,

Inspired by petals delicate, a symphony taking flight.

Each day, I succumbed to their intricate allure,

My muse in blooms, my soul set to explore.

Delicate petals whispered secrets in vibrant tones,

A canvas of expression, my heart in every stroke shown.

The medium of watercolors embraced my adoration,

As I painted love and gratitude for nature's creation.

A "creative challenge" field guide, my vision come alive,

"How To Be a Wildflower," a gift I'd strive.

 Elsewhere's valley, a fertile ground for inspiration,

 Nature's elements and my heart in collaboration.

Colleagues from Western Colorado, kindred spirits we became,

Plant identification and place-based art, our passions aflame.

In their presence, my artistic fire burned bright,

Fueling growth and shared dreams in harmonious light.

The residency's enchantment, a transformative decree,

 The flowers, the brush, the written word set me free.

 As I bid farewell to Elsewhere, memories in bloom,

 Renewed artistic vigor, ready to embrace the next creative room.

In nature's embrace, my journey forever entwined,

Elsewhere in Paonia, a sanctuary for hearts inclined.

With blossoming memories, I journey on anew,

Eager for the next chapter, my creative spirit true.